Edward & Grace Gray Memorial High School Scholarship

The Edward G. & Grace B. Gray Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 2014, by the Rising Sun Ohio County School Corporation with the bequeathed funds of Edward G. and Grace B. Gray.

Dr. Gray was raised in Switzerland County, IN and graduated from Patriot High School in 1925. Dr. Gray began his teaching career in Patriot where he taught high school, served as the high school principal and the school superintendent. He then taught and served as principal for the Cass Union Township School in Ohio County until the school consolidated with Rising Sun schools. He was hired to teach at Rising Sun High School and the Southeastern Indiana Career Center. His wife, Grace, was a kindergarten and first grade teacher at Greendale and Lawrenceburg Central School. Dr. Gray was an ordained minister and was committed to the service of others.

money iconAmount: 10 @ $2,000

date icon Scholarship Deadline: Friday February 28th, 2025 3:00pm